Okt. 24 - 25, 2025

Spartan Trail Croatia

Okt. 25

Trail 50K

€ 85.00
Okt. 25

Trail 21K

€ 59.00
Okt. 25

Trail 10K

€ 45.00

Build a Team: Strength Comes in Numbers

Race together, save together. Get your friends, co-workers and loved ones off the couch and into the mud. Whether they help you over the wall or chase you up the mountain, make sure they’re with you at the starting line. The bigger your team, the higher your discount. Joining as a team also guarantees that you'll all have the same start time!

Check out the group discount tiers:
5+ team members = 10% off
10+ team members = 20% off
15+ team members = 30% off

die rennen

The city of Dubrovnik, also known as a “Pearl of the Adriatic” welcomes you to the Dubrovnik Spartan Trail.

Due to its beauty, rich history and cultural heritage, Dubrovnik has become one of the most popular locations in the world.

Even in autumn while you are running, the nice weather and clear sea will tempt you to go for a swim. Don’t get occupied by the magnificent view of this historic city and turquoise blue Adriatic sea and try to get ready for the challenges that await you on the trail race.

Race Distances
Trail 50K
Trail 21K
Trail 10K

Veranstaltungen in der Nähe

Spartan Race Hvar 100 Meter & Sprint World Championship 2025
Sprint • Super • Beast • Kids Race • 100M • Trifecta
Hvar, HR
Città Sant'Angelo Spartan Trifecta Weekend 2025
Sprint • Super • Beast • HH12HR
(Pescara), IT
Santa Domenica Spartan Trifecta Weekend
Sprint • Super • Beast • Kids Race • Trifecta
Orešje, Sveta Nedelja, HR

Im Team laufen
Bringe deinen Trupp mit an die Startlinie. Lasse dein eigenes Spartan-Team aufleben und nimm an einem Rennen mit deinen Freunden, deiner Familie und deinen Kollegen teil.
Werde Volunteer
Als Freiwilliger bei Spartan Race hilfst du unseren Spartanern und erlebst ein einzigartiges Rennerlebnis hinter den Kulissen hautnah. Nicht nur das! Als freiwilliger Helfer erhältst du von uns auch einen kostenlosen Startplatz bei einem Spartan Race!
Entdecke alles, was du über dein nächstes Reiseziel wissen musst, und finde die besten Reiseoptionen, um deine Veranstaltung unvergesslich zu machen.